Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Set Up an "All Mail" Folder in Outlook

n Outlook:
  • Select File | New | Search Folder... from the menu.
  • Highlight Create a custom Search Folder (at the bottom under Custom) in the Select a Search Folder: area.
  • Click Choose... under Customize Search Folder:.
  • Type "All Mail" under Name:.
  • Click Browse....
  • Make sure both the top Personal Folders folder (or whatever the topmost folder is called) and Search subfolders are checked under Folders:.
    • Of course, you can also leave Search subfolders unchecked and choose the folders whose messages you want to see individually.
    • If your Junk E-mail folder is, in fact, filled with junk email, consider choosing all folders but it manually. You can also make all your mail folders sub-folders of the Inbox or another folder and search that with Search subfolders enabled.
  • Click OK.
  • Click OK again.
  • Now click Yes in response to Outlook's warning that All messages in the folders you have selected will appear in this Search Folder..
  • Click OK once more. 
  •   http://email.about.com/od/outlooktips/qt/et_all_mail.htm

Monday, June 17, 2013

Copy and paste from a remote computer

You can copy text or pictures from a document that is stored on a remote computer, and then paste the content into a document on this computer.
  1. On the remote computer, select the text or pictures that you want to copy.
  2. Click the Edit menu, and then click Copy.
  3. On this computer, click in the document at the place where you want to add the copied text or picture.
  4. Click the Edit menu, and then click Paste.


  • If copying and pasting from a remote computer don't work, clipboard redirection might be disabled. To fix this, disconnect your Remote Desktop session, and then do this:
    Open Remote Desktop Connection by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Remote Desktop Connection.
    Click Options, click the Local Resources tab, and then, under Local devices and resources, select the Clipboard check box.
  • Depending on the policies of your network and the version of Windows that is running on the remote computer, this procedure might not work with some Remote Desktop connections.

Monday, June 10, 2013

You must be granted the Allow log on through the Terminal (or Remote Desktop) Services Right"

Follow these steps if you can't log into your PC and see a dialog box that says "To log on to this computer, you must be granted the Allow log on through the Terminal (or Remote Desktop) Services right...."

You're seeing this error message because the user you're trying to log in as does not have the correct permissions to use Remote Desktop. To fix this, we'll grant these permissions to your user account. Note: Please be careful when following these steps, make sure you follow these steps as listed here.
  1. First we'll make sure your user account is a member of the Remote Desktop Users group:
    1. Right click Computer or My Computer and then click Properties.
    2. Click the Remote Settings link or the Remote tab if you are on XP.
    3. Click the Select Users or Select Remote Users button.
    4. If your user name is not listed in there, click Add and enter your user name.
    5. Click Ok and Ok again to dismiss both dialogs.
  2. Once you are done, try reconnecting. If you can connect, stop here - we're done. If you still see the error message continue to step 3.
  3. We're almost done. Next, we'll grant the Remote Desktop Users group the right to log on:
    1. Click Start then click Run. Enter secpol.msc and click Ok.
    2. The Local Security Poloicy window should open up.
    3. Expand the Local Policies node and click User Rights Assignment.
    4. On the right hand side, double click Allow log on through Terminal Services or Allow log on through Remote Desktop Services.
    5. Click Add User or Group and enter Remote Desktop Users.
    6. Click Ok and Ok again to dismiss both dialog boxes.
    7. Restart your PC, wait for a few minutes and try to reconnect using Jump


Setting up an Auto Reply rule using Microsoft Outlook

Creating a Microsoft Outlook Auto Reply rule is a feature that is accessible through Exchange and Outlook. This feature allows you to notify anyone sending you e-mail that you are out of the office, both inside the GTU and External email recipients. So, if you need to notify senders outside the GTU, use this method! 
When someone sends you an e-mail, the Out of Office Assistant automatically responds to the e-mail with a message indicating that you are away from the office. The notice can display any text that you choose to send; including the dates and times you are out of the office and any additional information, such as who to report to with questions. 
Note: Unlike Outlook's Out of Office Assistant, which remembers which senders it Auto Replied to, creating an Auto Reply rule within Outlook will repeatedly send a message back to the sender for every message they address to you!
Configuring an Auto Reply rule in Outlook 2003/ Outlook 2007
  1. Open Outlook
  2. Go to Tools, then select Rules and Alerts..

  3. Select New Rule 

  4. Select Start from a blank rule and click NEXT>

  5. Check off where my name is in the To or Cc box and click NEXT>

  6. Check off have server reply using a specific message

  7. In the bottom box, click the underlined link a specific message

  8. A blank email form will pop up; this will be your Auto Reply template that your senders will receive. Simply fill out the subject line and message body with the information you want your message to say while you are away. When you are done, click Save and Close, then click NEXT> twice.

  9. Make sure the Turn on this rule box is checked, and click FINISH and then OK. 

To turn off your Auto Reply rule when you return, simply open the Rules and Alerts box from previous steps 1 & 2, and uncheck your Auto Reply rule. Click OK. 

Out of Office replies and external emails - security guidance.
As external emails now receive an out of office reply, your absence details will be accessible to third parties outside of the GTU. Theoretically, this information in the out of office reply could be cross referenced with information, publicly available, to determine personal details associated with the email address, such as phone numbers, home addresses and so on.
We recommend the following when composing an out of office reply:
  • Never say specifically you are going on holiday
  • Never include your home address
  • Never include personal contact details, such as home phone number, mobile number etc
  • Keep the information generic, and whenever possible, redirect enquiries to a colleague.
