There could be many factors which could lead to having calls with no audio. We recommend verifying the following:
Verify that your microphone is properly connected and functioning. Use another application like Windows Sound Recorder (Start
Entertainment) to verify. You may need to ensure the microphone is selected as the audio input device in Control Panel
Sounds and Audio Devices
Sound Recording
Verify that the microphone is currently selected (Options
Devices page in eyeBeam/X-Lite, Preferences
Devices page in Bria).
Call yourself and start speaking and verify that the microphone VU meter is moving up and down to see if your microphone is being detected. Press the record button and verify that you are being recorded.
If you still have no audio, in eyeBeam/X-Lite 3.0/Bria 2.5, please try the following:
Dial ***7469 (SEND)
Filter for honor
Double click on the honor line and change the value to 1
Save and restart.
In Bria 3.0, under Preferences
Audio Codecs, check "When negotiating audio codecs, accept the first codec offered".
options-advanced--audio codecs
G711 uLaw
for xlite 4.0
If you still have no audio, go back to Bria and go to Preferences > Audio Codecs and check "Accept the first codec offered".