Friday, December 6, 2013

manage mobile device exchange 2007 console

How to Perform a Remote Wipe on a Device

To perform a remote device wipe on a device by using the Exchange Management Console, the user must be assigned to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy. For more information about how to add users to an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy, see How to Add Users to an Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy.
  1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
  2. Under Recipient Configuration, click Mailbox.
  3. In the Mailbox window, select the user.
  4. In the action pane, click Manage mobile device or right-click the user's mailbox, and then click Manage mobile device.
  5. Select the mobile device from which you want to clear all data.
  6. In the Actions section, click Clear.
  7. Click Clear again.
  1. Open Outlook Web Access.
  2. Log on to the device owner's mailbox.
  3. Click Options.
  4. In the navigation pane, select Mobile Devices.
  5. Select the ID of the device that you want to wipe and remove from the list.
  6. Click Wipe all data from device.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Remove Device from List.
  1. Run the following command to obtain the identity of the device:
    Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics - Mailbox jeffhays | fl Identity
  2. Run the following command:
    Clear-ActiveSyncDevice -Identity WM_jeffhayes

Thursday, December 5, 2013

creating shared mailbox from exchange shell

Welcome to the Exchange Management Shell!

 Full list of cmdlets:          get-command
 Only Exchange cmdlets:         get-excommand
 Cmdlets for a specific role:   get-help -role *UM* or *Mailbox*
 Get general help:              help
 Get help for a cmdlet:         help or -?
 Show quick reference guide:    quickref
 Exchange team blog:            get-exblog
 Show full output for a cmd:     | format-list

Tip of the day #32:

Do you want to change the authentication settings on an Outlook Web Access virtu
al directory? Try the following command as an example. It changes authentication
 from forms-based authentication to Windows authentication:

 Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "OWA (Default Web Site)" -FormsAuthentication
 0 -WindowsAuthentication 1

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>$adminsessionadsettings.defaultscope=""

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-mailbox surendratest |fl

Database                             : hostname\xxxxxxx
DeletedItemFlags                     : DatabaseDefault
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults         : True
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup        : False
DeliverToMailboxAndForward           : False
RetentionHoldEnabled                 : False
EndDateForRetentionHold              :
StartDateForRetentionHold            :
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy           :
ExchangeGuid                         : 767be9e2-5d48-4074-97f1-8af409a5ae50
ExchangeSecurityDescriptor           : System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurit
ExchangeUserAccountControl           : None
ExternalOofOptions                   : External
ForwardingAddress                    :
RetainDeletedItemsFor                : 14.00:00:00
IsMailboxEnabled                     : True
Languages                            : {}
OfflineAddressBook                   :
ProhibitSendQuota                    : unlimited
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota             : unlimited
DowngradeHighPriorityMessagesEnabled : False
ProtocolSettings                     : {}
RecipientLimits                      : unlimited
UserAccountControl                   : NormalAccount
IsResource                           : False
IsLinked                             : False
IsShared                             : False
LinkedMasterAccount                  :
ResourceCapacity                     :
ResourceCustom                       : {}
ResourceType                         :
SamAccountName                       : surendratest
SCLDeleteThreshold                   :
SCLDeleteEnabled                     :
SCLRejectThreshold                   :
SCLRejectEnabled                     :
SCLQuarantineThreshold               :
SCLQuarantineEnabled                 :
SCLJunkThreshold                     :
SCLJunkEnabled                       :
AntispamBypassEnabled                : False
ServerLegacyDN                       : /o=domainname/ou=Exchange Administrative
                                       Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration
ServerName                           : hostname
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults             : True
IssueWarningQuota                    : unlimited
RulesQuota                           : 64KB
Office                               :
UserPrincipalName                    :
UMEnabled                            : False
MaxSafeSenders                       :
MaxBlockedSenders                    :
Extensions                           : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom               : {}
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers      : {}
AddressListMembership                : {\Default Global Address List, \All
Alias                                : surendratest
OrganizationalUnit                   :
CustomAttribute1                     :
CustomAttribute10                    :
CustomAttribute11                    :
CustomAttribute12                    :
CustomAttribute13                    :
CustomAttribute14                    :
CustomAttribute15                    :
CustomAttribute2                     :
CustomAttribute3                     :
CustomAttribute4                     :
CustomAttribute5                     :
CustomAttribute6                     :
CustomAttribute7                     :
CustomAttribute8                     :
CustomAttribute9                     :
DisplayName                          : surendra test
EmailAddresses                       : {}
GrantSendOnBehalfTo                  : {}
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled        : False
LegacyExchangeDN                     : /o=domain/ou=Exchange Administrative
                                       Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn
MaxSendSize                          : unlimited
MaxReceiveSize                       : unlimited
PoliciesIncluded                     : {{59823DFC-F0E8-415F-91FD-FF348E42D71F},
PoliciesExcluded                     : {}
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled            : True
PrimarySmtpAddress                   :
RecipientType                        : UserMailbox
RecipientTypeDetails                 : UserMailbox
RejectMessagesFrom                   : {}
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers          : {}
RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled   : False
SimpleDisplayName                    :
UMDtmfMap                            : {}
WindowsEmailAddress                  :
IsValid                              : True
OriginatingServer                    :
ExchangeVersion                      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                                 : surendra test
DistinguishedName                    : CN=surendra
Identity                    test
Guid                                 : 080a9966-43b3-4910-ba25-2a4b17e4840d
ObjectCategory                       :
ObjectClass                          : {top, person, organizationalPerson,
WhenChanged                          : 12/5/2013 1:33:22 PM
WhenCreated                          : 12/5/2013 1:33:15 PM
ObjectState                          : Unchanged

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-mailbox surendratest |select isshared


[PS] C:\Windows\system32>set-mailbox surendratest -type shared
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

disable ipv6 loopback windows 2008 r2

1] Download appropriate “Fix it” from the following URL:
[2] You can do it by modifying registry. This is for the advanced users only. Serious problem might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly.
To disable IPv6 components, follow the below steps:
1. Click Start -> type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click regedit.exe in the Programs list.
2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue
3. Go to the following location in registry:
4. Double-click DisabledComponents to change the DisabledComponents entry.
5. If the DisabledComponents entry is unavailable, you must create it. To do this, follow these steps:
5.1 In the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
5.2 Type DisabledComponents, and then press ENTER.
5.3 Double-click DisabledComponents.
6. Type any one of the following values in the Value data field to configure the IPv6 protocol to the desired state, and then click OK:
- Type 0 – To enable IPv6 components
- Type 0xffffffff – To disable IPv6 components except the IPv6 loopback interface.
- Type 0×20 – To prefer IPv4 over IPv6 by changing entries in the prefix policy table.
- Type 0×10 – To disable IPv6 on all nontunnel interfaces (both LAN and Point-to-Point Protocol [PPP] interfaces).
- Type 0×01 – To disable IPv6 on all tunnel interfaces. These include Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP), 6to4, and Teredo.
- Type 0×11 – To disable all IPv6 interfaces except for the IPv6 loopback interface.
Also make sure that you uncheck “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” from your network adapter properties.
- See more at: