Please see below for step by step instructions for imaging the HP 840 G3
with I7 and dual hard drives
1. Turn on the laptop and
boot into Bios Setup by pressing ESC or F10
2. Once in the Bios setup
please select the Security tab
3. Once Inside the
security scroll down and choose TPM Embedded Security
4. Please set TMP Devices
to Available
5. Please put a check in
the TPM State box
6. For Clear TPM and
TPM Activation Policy you can leave these option at default selections
7. Save the changes and
move on to the Advance Tab
8. Once inside the Advance
Tab please select Secure Boot Configuration
9. Please Change
Configuration Legacy Support and Secure Boot to: Legacy Support Enable and
Secure boot Disable from the drop down menu
10. Save The Changes and
go back to Advance Tab
11. Once back at the
Advance Tab please select Boot Options
12. Inside the Boot
Options please scroll down to Legacy boot order
13. Boot order should be
set as 1, SanDisk or Samsung SSD 256GB as the first boot disk, followed by the
conventional HDD as you secondary drive 500GB or 1TB
14. After settings are
made save your changes then boot in PXE and choose Developer ( HP 840 G3 ) –
Win 10 X64 image as normal.