Monday, November 9, 2009

Generic BackDoor!by virus problem

Recently I faced lot of problem with Generic BackDoor!by . this virus is changing net man.dll file in registry to tabcteng.dll . first check for virus with Mcafee and then follow the below procedure. After changing the name in registry restart the system.

Check the registry key:


2. Check the associated DLL file name value for ServiceDLL.

3. Physically check the location mentioned in the key ServiceDLL and make sure that the file is there.

4. If you do not find the file at the location mentioned in the key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\%ServiceName%\Parameters\serviceDLL then copy the file from a working Server with the same OS and Service Pack Level.

5. Now try to start the service and the service should now start otherwise restart the system.

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